with passion

Vignerons Ardéchois, pioneers Since 1967.

Wine producers and growers, we are a unique pool of 14 wineries located in Southern Ardèche since 1967.

On our 6000-hectare vineyard, spread out over a mosaic of terroirs, a thousand families of winegrowers work the vineyard with passion, respecting Humanity and Nature.

Following in the footsteps of countless generations, wtih knowledge and expertise being passed down from Successor to Sucessors. Methodical pruning in the harshness of winter, vineyard grassing to preserve the life of the soil, green harvest to maintain small yields so that each bay can give its full potential. Followed by the meticulous blending, vine after vine. 

Time and again, searching for this fine balance between the hand of man and the expression of soil to bring together a wine translating all the facets of our terroirs.

Our values



We share our passion for Ardeche - this land of Nature that feeds us - for our craft of winemaker, and for our terroirs wines.



We respect the soil and Nature, men and women, but also our history and our traditions, our know-how and our culture, our heritage and our villages.



Since 1967 we have been working together to develop our collective strength and constantly improve the Ardeche vineyard. We share the same values and want to pass them on to our children.



We like to let our doors and hearts open to discuss our craft, have you discover it and taste wine, discover Ardeche, and why not, make you want to become a winegrower.

« "I love my work: it's noble, rich, diversified, and contributes to enhancing our beautiful lands of Ardèche." » Jean-Luc Tardieu, winegrower in Saint Germain


Emilie Aubriot « An installation thanks to Vignerons Ardéchois »

In 2017, Emilie decides to change her life and live from her passion. She now grows a 9 hectare vineyard, and knows that she can count on the winegrowers and Vignerons Ardéchois!

André et Claire Mercier « The vine from father to daughter »

André Mercier, former president of Vignerons Ardéchois, and winegrower in the village of Chassiers, has passed on his lands but also his passion for the terroir, his heritage, his knowledge and know-how, to his daughter Claire.

Vignerons Ardéchois terroirs « From the Cevennes Mountains down to the Rhône Valley »

From the sandstone of the Cévennes foothills to the pebbles of the Rhône Valley, our 6000 hectares of vineyards spread out over multiple terroirs, and offer wines of great typicity.